Saturday, May 8, 2010

Excited and Seriously Stressed Out!

I'm going home! I have been saying it for months, but time has flown by and I only have a month and a half left in Austin. Moving is scary... it was scary when I moved to Austin, and it is scary moving back to Ohio. I still don't know whether they have accepted my application to take the Massage Therapy exam in Ohio and it is getting down to about a month before the exam. What if I don't even get to take it? What if I don't pass it? I will have to go home and find a job doing something else... Am I moving backward?
The difference between this move and the last one is that I am going home to a huge support system. I can't wait to go home, and on days when I feel like I have no one that gets me, I can call my Mom and say I'll be over in a couple of hours. I get to start thinking about putting down roots. I get to start saving money to build an Earthship out at our farm Rootdown. Before there was always a voice that said I needed to get out and explore, and live somewhere outside of Ohio. Now that I have done that I feel like I can go home and be content.

In the next couple months:

I am taking the Ohio Massage exam
Quitting my Job at the end of June
Traveling to Ohio with some things
Going to the Rainbow Gathering
Taking a trip to Costa Rica with my Best Friend Sara
Coming back to Austin for one week
Packing up to go home.
Starting a new life in Columbus, Ohio.

Who knows what will happen... hopefully my heart is leading me in the right direction. Sometimes you have to take a leap even when you are unsure about what the future holds.


  1. New doors are certainly opening for you, my love! Change is scary...but it seems like your heart has been leading you in this direction for a long time. The best is yet to come! and you know I CANT WAIT for you to get here!! and ever before that...we'll be spending two amazing weeks in costa rica!:) loving you mucho!!

  2. How exiting! It will be so great to have you within a short drive! Where in Columbus are you looking to move? Does Tim know where he wants to get a job? So many questions!! Please let me know if I can help with anything! I'm not sure if Jeff and I are going to Rainbow anymore...we'll see.. Miss you sooo much!! p.s. please don't be scared. If your heart is pulling you this way.. listen to it and everything will fall into it's perfect place when you get here. I'm always here to listen if you need to sort things out aloud :)

  3. Sweets, sometimes we have to backtrack a bit to put us on the path we were suppose to be on all along. Only now we have new experiences that make us appreciate the new path all along. Trust me on the this one, Sweet Girl. I'm a pro at doing this!!! LOL

    I['m happy that your finally going home :) Congrats, Lady. Happy Moving Vibes coming your way from a farm town in Indiana ;)
