Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time is moving Slowly...

I had a random thought this morning.  Life is always seeming to fly by so quickly, I am always wondering "where has the month gone?"... Sometimes I wonder if I'll have enough time to get everything done.  The catch is, I haven't been doing much in the  past year besides sitting around thinking about changing my life and experiencing things. 
Now that the new year has come, and I have been exercising and taking initiative on my goals, time has slowed down a lot!!
There is time for everything... but we have to do it! Be in the present and experience each second of our lives:)


  1. Great advise and a fab pic. Thanks, Ducky. Keep on keepin' on and having the courage to make those changes.

  2. Bravo, my love! :) and I am so glad you loved "A Long Way Gone".....amazing story!! It's hard to not feel a little changed after reading it. Certainly opens your eyes to the tragic realities some other countries face. I still have not read "the possibility of everything", but I'm almost done with "my friend leonard"..so i will get to it soon :)
