Monday, December 21, 2009

Bartering is Cool !

I had the pleasure of working the Keep Austin Bizarre Christmas Bazaar this weekend with my Bf Tim.  He did really well selling his Twisted Tree Jewelry:)  I love hanging out a behind the booth at the festivities. I always meet the coolest, craziest folks. There was fire dancing, tons of hula hooping!, music, and lots of homemade goodies.  We even had a couple folks camping out on our living room floor last night!
On the first day of the bizarre I noticed this mozaic peice of art with the yellow rose. I went directly up to Mrs. Candace Beck and asked her if she would like to trade her peice for massage.  I told her to think it over and  I'll come back around on Monday to see if someone had bought it from her. Candace actually ended up coming to find me and we came to a fair agreement! I now own this beatiful peice of art for four hours of massage. What a beautiful thing to have something valuable to share with other people:)
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! I can't wait to go to Ohio and celebrate with everyone I love :)
ciao for now


  1. That piece is so beautiful!! Cheers to you for making the trade! I was also glad to see your latest book review. I'm glad you loved The Middle Place as much as I did! It really could have been such a depressing story, but she tells it in such a magically positive and uplifting way. I'm going to see you tomorrow. I can't believe it :)

  2. I'm happy to read you again. i've missed your words! What a lovely piece of art, but what I loved best is that you know you have something that is worthy to be traded. Your time and the compassion that comes with human touch are truly priceless. Well Done, You, for knowing that these things are just as, if not more, valuable than common currency. Merry Christmas, Dear One. Enjoy your time at home with your bestie.
