Here in Austin there is a great little place called the Herb Bar. I go there frequently for teas and tinctures. It's the cutest little place ever. A little brick building all covered in Ivy with all of your natural cures. While my Best Friend Sara was in town visiting this week we decided to go check out some stuff for her allergy problem. I have been trying to talk her in to using the neti pot, it works amazingly for me whenever I feel a cold coming on, or have allergy symptoms. While we were there I also talked to someone about my acne issue. She gave me a lavender clay mask to try for 8 to 10 days in a row. I'm mixing it with Lavender Hydrosol. She said that it will completely change my skin! I am excited to see the results. Today is my second day. It feels really nice. I was using a bentonite clay mask before which is supposed to be really good, but she said that bentonite might be a little harsh for my skin type. I Hope she is right. I have had so much advice, and I've tried so many natural products on my face.

That little herb place looks and sounds lovely. I'd love to browse around there for a while.