Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Time is moving Slowly...

I had a random thought this morning.  Life is always seeming to fly by so quickly, I am always wondering "where has the month gone?"... Sometimes I wonder if I'll have enough time to get everything done.  The catch is, I haven't been doing much in the  past year besides sitting around thinking about changing my life and experiencing things. 
Now that the new year has come, and I have been exercising and taking initiative on my goals, time has slowed down a lot!!
There is time for everything... but we have to do it! Be in the present and experience each second of our lives:)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ten in Two Thousand and Ten

10 in 2010

I know that it is January 12th already.  Some may say it is a little late for New Years Resolutions. Others may say that New Years resolutions are silly, and some may say that they are a joke! Well I say hooray for New Years resolutions! Hooray for anytime a person can feel like they can start over, grow, or change for the better. That is what 2010 is all about for me.

I have decided to make a list of 10 things that I must do in 2010.  I started with a list of  5 and then realized that 10 in 10 was a way cooler idea, thanks to my friend Katie :)  So hear it is:

1. Write atleast 7 new bluegrass tunes. In order to create a complete album. (One down Six to go!)
2. Take better Care of my Body. Including: exercise, yoga, weight loss, eating better, and less abusive substances. (Already on top of it! I am on my second week at the gym, and just finished a yoga class today:)

3. Explore Texas.  I need to stop grumbling about being so far from home and start exploring more. (exploring is my passion)

4.Leave the country (I plan on doing that with my besty some time in August I think... which leads me to number 5...)

5. Save more money ( I need to stop spending my money at the store right next to my work... you wouldn't believe how much $$ I waste there... it's packing dinner from now on) 

6. Try something new quarterly (I am the kind of girl that gets the same thing at the same restaurant time and time again. It's time to brach out... a little:)

7. practice patience... which also goes along with number 8

8. No more creating lists of things I desperatley want in my head. I need to learn to set goals, but be content with what I have at the same time. "tomorrow will never come, all we have is today." 

9. Concentrate on me, and my own ambitions. ( Sometimes I forget that I am one person and not two) Don't get me wrong... I love my man, but I think this will be beneficial for both of us.  I let my self blame my partner too often for things that are in my control and not his. Love love him :)

10. Find something creative/crafty/artsy that I enjoy making. (I'm thinking of trying Mosaic Art, we'll see :)

                                  Here we go!!! Happy New Year!!!!